A drawing of two parents and a happy child they are raising.
Parenting class logo on how to successfully raise children.

Build your child’s tomorrow


Parenting Class in San Francisco

Parents do the best they can raising their children, but most find it a trial-and-error proposition.

How should parents raise children so they develop self-determinism and initiative and make constructive decisions? There are a million opinions of how to do it, but are there any sound principles one can trust? The materials in our Parenting Class in San Francisco contain the answers to those questions.

Raising children should be a joy and can be. In fact, it can be one of the most rewarding of all human experiences. The application of tools in this course can ensure your child is happy, loving, productive and on the path to becoming valued members of the society in which they are growing up in.

How Does One Parent a Child?

A child is a person who has not attained full growth. Any law which applies to the behavior of men and women applies to children.

How would you like to be pulled and hauled and ordered about and restrained from doing whatever you wanted to do? You would probably resent it. The only reason a child “doesn’t” resent it is because they are small. Instead they get the floors muddy, interrupt your naps & work or destroys the peace and quiet of a home as revenge. This “revenge” is standard child behavior.

Self-determinism in children is a key component to raising happy children. Self-determinism is that state of being wherein the individual can or cannot be controlled by his environment according to their own choice. In that state the individual has self-confidence in their control of the material universe and other people. A child has a right to their self-determinism. The sweetness and love of a child is preserved only so long as he can exert his own self-determinism. You interrupt that and to a degree you interrupt their life.

Balancing Self-Determinism & Rules in Parenting

There are only two reasons why a child’s right to decide for himself has to be interrupted — the fragility and danger of his environment and you. For you work out on the child the things that were done to you, regardless of what you think. There are two courses you can take. Give the child leeway in an environment they can’t hurt and which can’t badly hurt them which doesn’t greatly restrict their space and time. These concepts are greatly expanded upon in our Parenting Course in San Francisco.

Our Parenting Class in San Francisco F.A.Q’s

  • Parenting can be challenging, and some parents may face specific challenges like dealing with a child's behavioral issues, managing stress, or co-parenting after a separation or divorce. Parenting classes can provide strategies and support for addressing these challenges. Additionally Parents of children of all ages may seek parenting classes to improve their parenting skills. These classes can provide insights into effective discipline, communication, and problem-solving techniques. They can also help parents better understand child development and behavior.

  • Our parenting class in San Francisco costs $50.00 and can be studied part time until you complete the course materials which usually takes three or four days. Our expert course supervisors will work with you throughout your studies to ensure the data makes sense to you in relation to your own life and circumstances.

  • As with any knowledge you gain in life, it will only work if you APPLY the data and techniques to your own life. Our class is filled with drills, essays and practical assignments to ensure you know how to apply the information in your own life with your child or children.

What Will You Learn in this Parenting Class?

  • What children most need from their parents.

  • How you can help solve a child’s problems.

  • Why children get angry and how to swiftly heal the upsets.

  • How to live with children and help them grow into fine, successful human beings.

  • A simple, powerful action that assists children to recover from physical injuries.

When you understand and use the knowledge and tools contained on this course, you can help your child become a self-determined, happy and contributing member of the family—and an asset to society.

“A child does not do well without love. Most children have an abundance of it to return.”

— L. Ron Hubbard, Philosopher

Recent Course Testimonials

“I feel so much better about my relationship with my son. Magically, since I started this course, he has been a lot more mellow and willing. Thank you for making motherhood a dream come true and not a nightmare! How does a parent go through life without this data?”—M.P.

“My responsibility, understanding and affinity for children went through the roof. I can see how good control can solve lots of problems and how to take care of angry children and how to help a child think about things he doesn’t know how to do himself. Now I know how to live happily with children.”—L.Y.

“There is an incredible amount of information here that could help so many parents right now. Great course! There were things I read that were brand-new to me that I’ve never read anywhere else! Gave me much more knowledge and understanding for being a parent.”—M.N.

Self Help Courses in San Francisco: Created for Easy, Effective Comprehension

Our Parenting Class in San Francisco costs $50.00 and includes all course materials. The average time to complete this course is 3 days part time. For parents and couples it is recommended to take the class together so both have the tools to raising happy and healthy children.

Every step of the course is listed in sequence and one checks them off as they are completed. This allows each student to study at their own optimum speed and set their own schedule for study. If you are interested or have any questions please fill out the contact form. We will get back to you within 24 hours!